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Windmill FAQs
Questions about the Windmill Platform
17 articles
How is Meeting Time Calculated?
Who can see my private documents and meetings?
What Stats Can I View In Windmill?
How often does Windmill update?
Who can see the feedback I leave in Windmill?
How often will I be prompted for Feedback?
What is included on an Employee Profile?
How often does my employee profile update?
Where does the feedback in Windmill come from?
Can I edit my weekly Accomplishments?
How does Windmill determine my Accomplishments?
When are my Accomplishments generated?
How do profile pictures get pulled into Windmill?
If I'm not a manager, how do I interact with Windmill?
What does my manager see in Windmill?
Can I use Windmill in Dark Mode?
Who is Windy and how does Windy work?